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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an athlete?
Someone who plays sports.
Who is the goalie?
the person who blocks the ball in soccer
Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?
Give 3 reasons why.
Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?
Give 3 reasons why.
Should people lose their jobs if it helps the environment?
Give 3 reasons why.
What does "extinct" mean? Are there any animals in Vietnam that have gone extinct here?
when all of a particular type of animal or plant dies out.
What does "environment" mean? Name 3 things that are a part of the environment.
the land, air, and water within a given area.
What does "consequence" mean? Have you ever had consequences because of an action you did?
the result of an action
What does "participate" mean? Have you ever participated in something?
to take part in something.
What does "organizer" mean? Have you ever organized something?
a person who runs or manages a group
What does "contestant" mean? Have you ever been a contestant?
a person who takes part in a contest.
What does "coast" mean? What is a time you coasted through something?
to make it through a situation with little trouble.
What does "despite" mean? What is something you do depsite your mom saying it is bad to do?
regardless of [cho dù] Example: She played despite an injury.
What does "struggled" mean? What is something you struggle to do?
to have trouble completing a task or goal