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Grammar test (analysis)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct: Has she had to feed her younger brother?
Does she have to feed her younger brother?
Correct: It is smelling good in the kitchen, because our mom is baking apple pie.
It smells good in the kitchen, because our mom is baking apple pie.
Correct: How much grams of sugar I need to add?
How much sugar do I need to add?
Correct: We aren’t sure, but there is another door in this house.
may /might be
Correct: I think that Alex don't have to cook. We can buy some food in the supermarket or order some pizza.
doesn’t have to cook
Correct: Where did you be yesterday?
Where were you yesterday?
Correct: Why do you baking pizza?
are you baking
Correct: Stop! You don't have to enter this building! It’s forbidden.
mustn’t enter
Correct: I’m not sure, but we are having a bottle of wine at home.
may/might have
Correct: My husband haven't studied well at school.
didn’t study
Correct: I have a piece of advice for you! You must sleep more if you want to reduce stress.
should sleep
Correct: If we will meet tonight, we may go to the cinema together.
Choose: Martha (will definitely / certainly will) go to the concert of Twenty one pilots. That’s her favourite band.
will definitely
Correct: My students mustn't do their homework today as they have their next lesson in 3 days.
don't have to do
Choose: Michael has (already / just) come back home, so he hasn’t seen his present yet.