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Plants 3

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you think of an example of a plant adapting to water?
Lily leaves can float - they are flat to absorb light and the stomata are on top, so that water doesn't interfere with gas exchange
Can you think of an example of a plant adapting to heat?
Cactus & pine trees - have needle-shaped leaves to lose less water during transpiration
What are plant adaptations?
Characteristics that allow plants to survive in their environment.
What type of reproduction(s) do bryophytes do?
Both asexual and sexual (alternation of generations)
What is a pteridophyte?
A vascular plant that disperses spores.
What are the 2 parts of the stamen called?
Filament and anther
What is the process of a seed becoming a new plant called?
What is it called when a pollen grain reaches the stigma and forms a pollen tube, forming a zygote?
What is the process of pollen from one flower reaching another flower (or sometimes the same flower), in order to reproduce?
What is a bulb?
It is the part of some plants, mostly underground, that stores food while the plant is resting from growing.
What do we call the process of reproduction by producing spores?
Explain what is sexual reproduction in plants.
It requires male and female gametes (pollen and ovule), that are made in the flowers. Together they form a zygote which grows into a new plant.
Explain what is asexual reproduction in plants.
It doesn't need gametes; it can happen through budding; using spores etc. The offspring is genetically identical to the parent plant.