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17.4 Teamwork Tutorial Discussion

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Simon's team attends regular group meetings, assigns tasks evenly and has clear objectives. Which attribute is the team demonstrating?
Students own answer
Billy feels he spends too much time correcting other students work. He has to keep reminding his team members of the task requirements. Which attribute is this team lacking?.
Students own answer
Team members can express their thoughts freely, but are not too harsh when looking at other people's work, or giving advice. Which attribute does this describe?
Open communication and positive feedback
Everyone wants the same thing and understand what needs to be done to achieve success. Which attribute does this demonstrate?
Commitment to team processes and shared goals
Shannon feels like she is doing most of the work to prepare for her group's presentation. What advice can you give this team?
Students own answer
Sarah rarely attends team meetings and her group members have difficultly contacting her. What advice can you give this team?
Students own answer
Gary openly criticises his group members. Yesterday he made Jacky cry. What advice can you give this team?
Students own answer
Describe a team that demonstrates open communication and positive feedback.
They actively listen to each other and consistently give and receive feedback.
Showing respect and being polite to others demonstrates which attribute?
Interpersonal skills
What is interdependence?
People take turns helping each other evenly and fairly, rather than one person always helping another
People take turns helping each other evenly and fairly, rather than one person always helping another. Which attribute does this demonstrate?
A team made up of people with a good mix of different skills and experiences shows which attribute?
Appropriate team composition