Edit Game
Unit 7 Review 3rd Grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A- You aren't allowed to leave your bike touching the window. / B- You're not allowed to ride your bike in this area. / C- Broken glass may damage your bike.
(to) At home, I have dinner at six, so I haven't got used eating at nine here in Spain.
...got used TO eating...
(after) It rained a lot that day, so we didn't go to the concert all.
...concert AFTER all.
(of) To make this cake, first all, you need to weigh all your ingredients.
...first OF all, you...
(up) What time did the bus show at the station?
...show UP at the station?
(all) I love cars, after my dad is a mechanic!
After ALL my dad is a mechanic.
We're setting (out / for / off) for France on our holidays today.
I can’t believe my brother turned (down / up / around) the job. It was a great opportunity!
After travelling for two days, we ended (on / up / down) in the wrong town!
Can you find (off / out / in) who won the World Cup in 1964?
Carry (on / out / off) practising and you'll be a fantastic gymnast.
He doesn't (let / make / allowed) his baby eat sweets.
You're not (make / let / allowed) to drive without a driving license.
I never (make / let / allowed) anyone touch my phone.
Sometimes my older brother (makes / lets / allowed) me use his computer.
My parents (make / let / allowed) me clean my room on Saturdays.
I'm not used to live in a small apartment. (mistake?)
He's not allowed to going to the cinema on a school night. (mistake?)
Our teacher sometimes makes us doing extra homework. (mistake?)
Dad (is getting / get) used to the long hours in his new job.
Jane (is / was) used to her new glasses now.
It took him a long time to (get / got) used to his new school.
out - to - allowed - the - later - weekened - isn't - She - stay - at
She isn't allowed to stay out later at the weekend.
on - let - don't - watch - YouTube - My parents - videos - me
My parents don't let me watch videos on YouTube.