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Which of the following units would be best used to measure the weight of the PS4: ounces, pounds, tons
Length is how long something measures. True or false.
Scavenger Hunt! Name in your house something can be measured in inches.
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Ms. Allen had a basketball and said that the best unit of measurements to weigh the basketball was tons. Ms. Allen's mom said it was ounces. Who is correct?
Name two units for weighing something
Pounds, ounces, tons, grams, kilograms, etc
Mr. Broten said that the amount of water in her water bottle could be measured in tons. Is this true or false?
Which of the following units would be best to measure the height of a person?
Jessica bought herself a brand new car. Which of the units would be used to measure the weight of her car?
Mrs. R has an iPhone 11 Max Pro. Which of the three units can be used to measure the weight of the phone?
Which of the four units can be used to measure the length of a pencil?
Which of the two units would be best to measure the amount of water in a pool?
Scavenger Hunt!! Name in your house something that is labeled in milliliters (ml)
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Scavenger Hunt! Name in your house something that can be weighed in pounds.
Let's see if you get points.
Scavenger Hunt! Name something in your home that is labeled in ounces
Let's see if you get points.
Pounds is a unit of measurement that can be used to determine length. True or false.
What customary unit of measurement would be best to weigh this item?