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Easter egg hunt

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easter basket
This is a:
Easter is on a different date each year. TRUE OR FALSE.
What day is Easter 2023?
Sunday 9th April
What are "peeps"? Give a definition
student's answer
What kind of hunt is there in easter? a. a rabbit hunt. b. a chick hunt c. an egg hunt
c. an egg hunt
The Easter bunny is named in honor of the goddess of: a. The sun. b. Spring c. Flowers
b. Spring
The Easter candy that americans buy the LEAST of is: a. Chocolate eggs. b. Jelly beans. c. Peeps
a. Chocolate eggs
The Easter candy that americans buy the MOST of is: a. Chocolate eggs. b. Jelly beans. c. Peeps
c. Peeps
Eggs are a symbol of: a. Spring and new life. b. Holidays. c. Bunnies
a. Spring and new life
Easter always falls on a... a. Monday b. Sunday c. Saturday
b. Sunday
How many chocolate easter eggs are produced each year?    a. 90 million.  b. 60 million  c.30 million
a. 90 million