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Langaroo Time Zones 2 Unit 11

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chose the correct meaning for the Homonym: match
A game of sport / Small wooden stick used for lighting fires
A season / Coiled metal
Chose the correct meaning for the Homonym: well
It went positively / A structure made to access water underg
being happy/being fine
Choose the correct tense: Mike left/leave the room while we were singing.
Choose the correct tense: What were you do/doing yesterday?
Chose the correct meaning for the Homonym: fly
An insect / To hover and move above the ground
Smart or intelligent / Filled with light
Lazy / Someone you admire
To have knowledge / Opposite of yes
Chose the correct meaning for the Homonym: right
Correct / Opposite of left
up and down
Yes and now
a circle
Chose the correct meaning for the Homonym: ring
To call someone on the phone / A band on a finger
running in a circle
eating a doughnut
Complete the sentence with the simple past progresive: He rode his bike while he was ____ on the phone.
Complete the sentence with the simple past tense: I ______ to school.
Choose the correct answer: We use the simple past/ Past progresive to describe a continuing action in the past
past progressive
Choose the correct answer: We use the simple past/ Past progresive to describe a completed action
simple past
What did you do yesterday?