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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I took two of my sisters to the cinema. ......................... of them  really enjoyed the movie.
Laura made lot of new friends today. .............. her friends were really nice to her
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?i don't know   I like ....................
Do you prefer English or German? ..................... I don't really like learning a new language.
............................... My friend and I have English class on Mondays. But ............... of us can speak English yet.
Both, neither
I took my parents to a hip hop concert but ................................... of them liked it.
They city centre is really ugly. ....................... the buildings have got graffiti on them.
Tom has lots a lot of weight and now. .............................. of his clothes fit him. He needs to buy new ones.
Do you prefer Picasso or Matisse? ....................... I don't really like art.
................................... of my friends want to come with me to the museum. Kelly and Fay think it'll be boring and Jane wants to go shopping.
Which do you prefer, chocolate or strawberry cake? :O :)   I like ...................
Would you like pasta or pizza?no, thanks.  .................. of them like me 
Rozita, robert, clara are from Italy. ......................... of them speak English
none ¿
Emma and Kim want to go Rome. .......................of them have been to Italy
Kim, Emma, Pablo and Mike are going to travel all over Europe. .............. of them are happy.
Pablo and Kim are my friends. They are .............. students.
..................... Alex and David have motorbike, but neither of them ride their motorbike to school.
all the paintings at the exhibition were of cats, but ................ of them were very good.
Which skirt do you want to buy, the blue or the grey one? i don't know  They're .................cool.
................ of the other houses in my street have a tag on it, but mine does.
................... people at the University saw the graffiti but none  of them complained about it.
all, none
....................... John and David lived in Germany, but ........................ of them were German
both, neither