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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Although we dislike ______________ football, we have a football match every week at school. (play)
Although we dislike PLAYING football, we have a football match every week at school.
Although Tom dislikes ____________, he prepared a special birthday meal for his mom. (cook)
Although Tom dislikes COOKING, he prepared a special birthday meal for his mom.
Although I couldn't afford _______________ a bag, I did it anyway because I was going to a wedding. (buy)
Although I couldn't afford TO BUY a bag, I did it anyway because I was going to a wedding.
Although I can't stand __________ to Shakira, I went to the concert anyway to accompany my sister. (listen)
Although I can't stand LISTENING to Shakira, I went to the concert anyway to accompany my sister.
He liked ______________ people in need when he was young. (help)
He liked TO HELP people in need when he was young.
We decided ____________ studying for the maths test yesterday. (start)
We decided TO START studying for the maths test yesterday.
She decided __________ a new car. (buy)
She decided TO BUY a new car.
He learned ___________ last month. (drive)
He learned TO DRIVE last month.
They agreed ______________ some souvenirs at the open air market. (buy)
They agreed TO BUY some souvenirs at the open air market.