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Michael Green hopes the customer service representative will...
solve the problem in time for him top watch a sports event
send someone to help him put the TV back into its box
tell him about the tournaments sponsored by Television Depot
give him intructions to allow him to fix the problem himself
What problem does Michael Green says the TV has?
The sound level cannot be changed with the remote control
The remote control uses up batteries in just a few hours
The buttons on the TV don't work
The TV sometimes turn off suddenly
What is one thing that Michel Green says about the TV that he bought?
It has receiverd some positive online reviews
It was sent to him without an instruction manual
He got it from his local Television Depot store
He chose it because it was in a recent sale
In any case
By mistake
the personalities of cats
the history of cats as pets
how to take care of cats
how cats' bodies work
not created by him
not very important
difficult to like
based on his friends
In spite of this
In particular
see these as food
live in large family groups
have to make long journeys
leave the ocean
could be used again
completely disppears
is given to charities
ends up elsewhere