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Plants 2

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How do hormones affect plants?
They help aid processes like growth, leaf shedding and fruit ripening.
What is thigmonasty? Can you give an example of a plant carrying out this process?
It is how the plant responds to touch - a carnivorous plant closes its leaves when it detects an insect has landed on it.
What is phototropism? Can you give an example of a plant carrying out this process?
It is how the plant responds to sunlight - a sunflower grows in the direction of the sun because of phototropism.
"All leftover water from photosynthesis is released into the environment as water vapour" - What is this process called?
What are stomata?
Microscopic pores on leaves that absorb carbon dioxide (CO2).
Plants absorb a mixture of water and minerals through their roots. What is this mixture called?
Crude sap
Phloem sap
Where are the reproductive organs located in gymnosperms?
Male cones produce pollen, female cones have exposed ovules, which become seeds when fertilised
Where are the reproductive organs located in angiosperms?
The ovary inside the flower, when it is fertilised it becomes fruit.
What are bryophytes?
They are non-vascular plants without seeds or flowers.
What is sap?
Liquid in a plant/tree that carries food to all its parts.
What is a vascular plant without flowers or seeds called?
What is a seed plant with fruit called?
What is a chloroplast?
It is part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll, where photosynthesis happens.
What kind of tissues transport phloem sap?
Conductive tissues
Protective tissues
Supporting tissues
Chlorophyll tissues