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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Vicky is the best teacher at school
No other teacher is as good as Vicky
There were more books than magazines in the library
There weren't as many magazines as books in the library
They learned less than they had expected
They didn't learn as much as they expected
A van costs more than a motorbike
A motobike doesn't cost as much as van
No other tiktoker is as hilarious as Misamores
Misamores is the most hiliarious tiktoker
No other fictional character is as famous as James Bond
James Bond is the most famous fictional character
Coke isn't as healthy as water
Coke is unhealthier than water
My cousins are more polite than we are
We are ruder than our cousins
My house is not as neat as your house
My house isn't as tidy as your house
Real Madrid plays worse than Atletico de Madrid
Real Madrid doesn't play as  well as Atlético de Madrid
i drive better than my husband
/ I don't drive as badly as my husband does/ My husband doesn't drive as well as I do
Australia is further than UK
Australia is not as near as the UK
Maths is more difficult than English
Maths isn't as easy as Englisn
Coke is more popular than Pepsi
Pepsii isn't as popular as Coke
Alcampo is less expensive than El Corte Inglés
Alcampoo isn't as expensive as El Corte Inglés
El Corte Inglés is more expensive than Alcampo
El Corte Inglés is not as cheap as Alcampo