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What's Lives in a Tree?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can we make with a tree's wood?
We can make homes.
Trees give us clean _____ .
B_____ that kids r_____ come from trees.
Books, read
What kinds of foods can we get from trees?
Nuts and berries
Why do the squirrels keep some nuts at home?
So they will have nuts to eat when it's cold outside.
How does the squirrel eat its tasty snack?
It nibbles.
Which animal hunts and finds nuts on the ground?
The squirrel will hunt and find nuts on the ground.
What will the spider eat for its meal?
It will eat an insect.
Where does the spider spin its web?
It spins its web high in the oak tree.
Who will poke holes and crack the shells?
Small chicks
What 3 things make up the nest in the tree?
Twigs, twine, and trash make up the nest in the tree.