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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ratna (teach) English every day. the true verb from this sentence is ....
We (talk) quietly at the meeting. the appropriate verb from this sentence is ....
Does Doni brush his teeth every day? the positive sentence from this sentence is .... is
Doni brushes his teeth every day
Does Nisfu finish his task? the positive sentence from this sentence is ....
Nisfu finishes his task
You decide the decision very well. the negative sentence from this sentence is ....
You don't decide the decision very well
Tammi speaks English fluently. the interrogative sentence from this sentence is....
Does Tammi speak English fluently?
Deva and Devi (discuss) the new curriculum at school. the true verb from this sentence is ....
Mintarsih (do) the homework on time. the appropriate verb from this sentence is ....
they invite me to their party. the negative sentence from this sentence is ....
they don't invite me to their party
They invite me to their party. the negative sentence from this sentence is ....
They don't invite me to their party
Does she eat some bananas? the positive sentence from this sentence is ....
She eats some bananas