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Who was the father of prophet Yusuf?
Prophet Yaqub
Which miracle of prophet Musa became a serpent and split the sea?
The miraculous staff
Who was the uncle of prophet Lut?
Prophet Ibrahim
What did prophet Dawud loved to do?
He loved to fast, pray and praise Allah
What was the name of the military commander who was the enemy of prophet Dawud?
Jalut (Goliath)
What was prophet Ayyub renowned for?
His unique patience and steadfastness
When prophet Musa threw his staff on the ground it became...
A huge serpent
What does Banu Israil mean?
Children of Israil
Why was prophet Yusuf imprisoned?
Because of the wife of nobleman who accused prophet Yusuf of indecent behaviour
Who was the father of prophet Ibrahim?
Which country was prophet Yusuf sold in?
Which prophet was thrown into a well?
Prophet Yusuf
Which prophet is regarded as the father of the three great monotheistic religions?
Prophet Ibrahim
Which prophet's people were punished with a flood?
Prophet Nuh
Who was the first man and prophet of Allah?
Prophet Adam