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EG_Present Continious vs Present Simple
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Мы часто играем в футбол.
We often play football.
We are often playing football.
They often play football.
Смотри! Они играют в футбол.
Look! They are playing football.
Look! They play football.
Look! We are playing football.
Мы делаем зарядку каждое утро.
We do our exercises every morning.
We are doing our exercises every morning.
They do their exercises every morning.
Они делают зарядку сейчас.
They are doing their exercises now.
They do their exercises now.
We are doing our exercises now.
You usually ***** lunch at two o'clock.
are having
Они всегда завтракают в восемь часов.
They always have breakfast at eight o'clock.
They are always having breakfast at eight o'clock.
We always have breakfast at eight o'clock.
I ***** football on Mondays.
am playing
Мы играем в футбол сейчас.
We are playing football now.
You are playing football now.
We play football now.
Слоненок обычно ложится спать в девять.
The little elephant usually goes to bed at nine.
The little elephant is usually going to bed at nine.
Слонёнок ложится спать сейчас.
The little elephant is going to bed now.
The little elephant goes to bed now.
Кот принимает ванну каждый день после ужина.
The cat has a bath every day after dinner.
The cat is having a bath every day after dinner.
Кот принимает ванну сейчас.
The cat is having a bath now.
The cat has a bath now.
Крокодил обычно обедает в два часа.
The crocodile usually has lunch at two o'clock.
The crocodile is usually having lunch at two o'clock.
Крокодил завтракает сейчас.
The crocodile is having breakfast now.
The crocodile has breakfast now.
Этот слон играет в баскетбол сейчас.
This elephant is playing basketball now.
This elephant plays basketball now.
Слоны часто играют в футбол.
The elephants often play football.
The elephants are often playing football.
Смотри! Слоны играют в футбол.
Look! The elephants are playing football.
Look! The elephants play football.
Летом никогда не идёт снег.
It never snows in summer.
It is never snowing in summer.
Смотри! На улице идёт снег!
Look! It is snowing outdoors!
Look! It snows outdoors!
Обезьяны никогда не играют в гольф.
The monkeys never play golf.
The monkeys are never playing golf.
Смотри! Обезьяна играет в гольф.
Look! A monkey is playing golf.
Look! A monkey plays golf.
Моя собака плавает каждый день.
My dog swims every day.
My dog is swimming every day.
Посмотри! Собака плывёт.
Look! A dog is swimming.
Look! A dog swims.
Они делают зарядку каждое утро.
They do their exercises every morning.
They are doing their exercises every morning.
Мальчик и девочка делают зарядку сейчас.
The boy and the girl are doing their exercises now.
The boy and the girl do their exercises now.
Я всегда играю в баскетбол по вторникам.
I always play basketball on Tuesdays.
I am always playing basketball on Tuesdays.
Я играю в баскетбол сейчас.
I am playing basketball now.
I play basketball now.
Сильвия иногда играет в теннис на теннисном корте.
Sylvia sometimes plays tennis on the tennis court.
Sylvia is sometimes playing tennis on the tennis court.
Где Сильвия сейчас? Она играет в теннис.
Where is Sylvia now? - She is playing tennis.
Where is Sylvia now? - She plays tennis.
Вы обычно ужинаете в девять часов.
You usually have dinner at nine o'clock.
You are usually having dinner at nine o'clock.
Они заняты. Они ужинают.
They are busy. They are having dinner.
They are busy. They have dinner.
Ты обычно обедаешь в два часа.
You usually have lunch at two o'clock.
You are usually having lunch at two o'clock.
Мы всегда завтракаем в восемь часов.
We always have breakfast at eight o'clock.
We are always having breakfast at eight o'clock.
Она занята. Она обедает.
She is busy. She is having lunch.
She is busy. She has lunch.
Он занят. Он завтракает.
He is busy. He is having breakfast.
He is busy. He has breakfast.
Я играю в футбол по понедельникам.
I play football on Mondays.
I am playing football on Mondays.
Мы играем в футбол сейчас.
We are playing football now.
We play football now.
Дождь часто идёт осенью.
It often rains in autumn.
It is often raining in autumn.
Дождь всё ещё идёт.
It is still raining.
It still rains.
Летом темнеет в девять часов.
In summer it gets dark at nine.
In summer it is getting dark at nine.
Весной темнеет в семь часов.
In spring it gets dark at seven.
In spring it is getting dark at seven.
Зимой темнеет в пять часов.
In winter it gets dark at five.
In winter it is getting dark at five.
Осенью темнеет в семь часов.
In autumn it gets dark at seven.
In autumn it is getting dark at seven.
Смотри! На улице темнеет.
Look! It is getting dark outdoors.
Look! It gets dark outdoors.