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4 Week ESOL Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sliding scale means-
Prices are more expensive for people who have more money.
A children's slide
A range of musical notes
The skin on a fish
What is "substance abuse"?
Taking too much of a drug or drinking too much.
Hitting your spouse.
Going underwater in a submarine.
Eating a submarine sandwich
What does "checkup" mean?
A visit to the doctor for a general exam.
An ensign on Star Trek
To score a goal in hockey.
To throw something up from your stomach.
What does "addiction" mean?
To not be able to stop doing something, like drinking.
To add things up.
To add a room to your house.
To add words to a dictionary.
Which conversation is right?
"Do you have a fever?" " Yes, I need aspirin."
"Do you has a fever?" "Yes, I need aspirin."
"Do you have a fever?" " Yes, I needs aspirin."
"Do you has a fever?" "Yes, I needs aspirin."
Which conversation is right?
"I have a headache." "You need aspirin."
"I has a headache." "You need aspirin."
"I have a headache." "You needs aspirin."
"I need a headache." "You have aspirin."
What does "reschedule" mean?
To change the time of an appointment.
To write an agenda.
To go to class again.
I don't know.
Which sentence is right?
He has a fever.
He have a fever.
He am not a fever.
He is not a fever.
Which sentence is right?
I don't like him.
I doesn't like him.
I not am like him.
I isn't like him.
What is the right sentence?
She saw the cat yesterday.
She sees the cat yesterday.
She saws the cat yesterday.
She see the cat yesterday.