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Ghandi and Benjamin Franklin

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Fill in the blanks Benjamin franklin wrote an essay called "A Letter to a Royal Academy About ......"
Ghandi Loved Steak, True or false
False he was a vegetarian
How did Ghandi Protest ?
Hunger and Movement strikes
What theory did Benjamin franklin prove with the kite?
That Lighting was made of electricity
True or False Ghandi was kicked off a train becuase he was indian.
Who wore more clothes Benjamin Franklin Or Mhatma Gahndi ?
Benjamin Franklin
What Do benjamin and Franklin have in common ?
They both got their faces on money
What Rupee bill is Mahtma Ghandi on ?
100 Rupee bill
What dollar bill is Benjamin Franklin on ?
the 100 Dollar Bill
Who did Gahndi Protest against ?
Great Britian
True or false Mahtama Ghandi encouraged Violence to fight the british.
What aquatic sport did Benjamin Franklin Popularize?
Synchronized Swimming
Name one invention of Thomas Jefferson
True or false Benjamin Franklin wrote the whole declaration of independence..
How many days was the declaration of independence written in ?
7 days ( half points for 3)
Where was Mahatma Gahndi from ?