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Henry's holiday
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The next morning they all went home. TRUE or FALSE?
In the morning they all felt happy and healthy. TRUE or FALSE?
False. (The dad had a headache and the mum's back hurt)
Henry slept very well in the tent with his parents. TRUE or FALSE?
False. (He couldn't sleep well because his father snored)
Henry and his parents slept outside because they didn't bring their tent. TRUE or FALSE?
Henry's parents went home right after it started to rain. TRUE or FALSE?
False (They spend a night there)
Henry wanted to go home. TRUE or FALSE?
The weather was cold and windy. Then it started to rain. TRUE or FALSE?
There were both a games room and a TV. TRUE or FALSE?
Last Sunday Henry and his parents went on holiday. TRUE or FALSE?
False. (They went there on Saturday)
Henry enjoys going on holiday to different places. He loves going for a walk along the beach. TRUE or FALSE?
Henry likes being at home in the school holiday. TRUE or FALSE?