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Open for Business (4th grade)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was Zion trying to learn?
How people started their own business and how they got their ideas.
What did Zion watch tv shows about?
Inventors who created great things
where did the story take place?
in town
Zion was able to have questions answered about starting a business.
Name the second event that happen in the story?
Zion met with Mr. Warner
Name the first event that happen in the story?
Zion and his mom went for ice cream.
Name some of the things that Mr. Warner mentioned about money?
Knowing how much things cost for the business, how much the business space cost, and paying workers
What was Zion surprised to find out is involved with owning a business?
LOTS of math
What type of business does Mr. Warner own?
Ice cream shop
What is the name of the business owner that Zion meets?
Mr. Warner
What did his mom suggest in the beginning of the story?
For Zion to look around the community for a business leader to help him understand how to get started.
What was Zion's goal in the beginning of the story?
To open his own business
Name the characters in this story.
Zion, Mom, and Mr. Warner