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Gothic horror revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Jack was running away from his friends when he tripped over a stone." Why did Jack trip?
There was a stone on the floor.
"The man had furry hands and scarlet eyes. His teeth were sharp and pointed." What is strange about this man?
He has red eyes, furry hands and pointed teeth.
Which word describes the man in this sentence: "An old man crept towards them."
Which of these is NOT a time word or phrase?
He ran quickly.
A few minutes later...
After a long time...
Just then...
Which of these sentences has got the correct punctuation?
"Help!" she screamed.
"Help! she screamed"
Help! She screamed.
"Help?" she screamed.
Which of these does NOT mean 'big'?
What can you see in this picture?
arches, huge windows, a long hall
gravestones, trees, bushes
mountains, hills, the moon
bats, wolves, a forest
"The forest was dark and gloomy. The trees were tall and creepy." What makes this setting sound scary?
It is dark and gloomy with creepy trees.
It is a forest.
There are weird noises.
You can hear wolves howling.
Why is 'scarlet' a good word to use?
Because it makes me think of bright red blood.
Because it is a high level word.
Because it is good for describing.
Because it means dark blue.
Which sentence has got the correct punctuation?
I walked slowly into the church. Inside, I saw a shadow.
I walked slowly into the church inside I saw a shadow.
I walked slowly. Into the church inside I saw a shadow.
I walked slowly into the church inside. I saw a shadow.
"There was a strange smell." Which word is NOT similar to 'strange'?
Which word describes the cave in this sentence? "He walked into the freezing cave."