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Magazine 5 - 9th grade
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which type of photograph is this?
Which film is this?
Pirates of the Caribbean
Which film is this?
What type of film is this?
Which type of film is this?
What did we study in this class?
What is the main difference between a Gif and a meme?
Gifs are animated while memes are static.
We've watched an extract froma silent film. Which famous film was it?
Modern Times
He was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. Who is he?
Charlie Chaplin
What's "Working conditions"?
refers to the working environment and aspects of an employee's terms and conditions of employment.
What was this class about?
The Industrial Revolution
Which devices and machines are essential in our lives nowadays? And we mentioned in our online class? T ___________, Ty__________ and D ____________
Telephone, Typewriter and Dishwasher
Which part of the eye is this? "It's the dark circle in the coloured part of your eye."
Complete the sentence: Our eyes detect ____________.
What was this class about?
How our eyes work
Does the camera obscura create the same image we see outside? Explain.
No, it creates an upside-down image
What was this class about?
a photograph you took that is more powerful than words
Which famous picture is this?
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre
Explain the saying:
The saying refers to the idea that an image can convey a complex and difficult concept better than a description.
What's the title of Magazine 5?
History in pictures
What's she doing?
She's taking a picture