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Happy Life

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give a reason why we can't see stars clearly in the city area.
cloudy/ brighter/ any reasonable answer(s)
The country side has __________ clouds so we can see the ____________ easier.
The country side has no clouds so we can see the stars easier.
At noon, the ______ is in the ___________ of the sky.
At noon, the sun is in the middle of the sky.
In the evening, the sun _____________ in the _____________.
In the evening, the sun sets in the west.
In the morning, the sun _____________ in the _____________.
In the morning, the sun rises in the east.
In the past, people used a _____________ to measure time.
Thomas Edison improved the _______________.
On which day of a lunar month can we see a full moon?
Caretakers work at night because....
Any reasonable answer(s)
Bus drivers work at night because....
Any reasonable answer(s)
Ambulanceman/Ambulancewoman work at night because....
Any reasonable answer(s)
Why do people work at night?
Any reasonable answer(s)
Name two jobs that people do at night-time.
Any reasonable answer(s)
How can I see a starry sky?
Any reasonable answer(s)
How does the position of the sun affect shadows?
Any reasonable answer(s)
What features do night time animals have that are special?
Any reasonable answer(s)
Name two animals that are active at night. What do they do?
Any reasonable answer(s)
What should I do late at night?
We should develop good sleeping habitd and get enough rest at night.
What do people do during the night-time?
Any reasonable answer(s)
What do people do during the daytime?
Any reasonable answer(s)
What are the differences between daytime and night-time?
Any reasonable answer(s)