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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ is your favorite color: White or Yellow? ___ ______ yellow.
Which is your favorite color, White or Yellow? It is yellow.
____ our grandfather from China? No, ___ ____.
Is our grandfather from China? No, He isn't.
How _____ is the course? it ___ three weeks.
How long is the course? it is three weeks long.
How _______ students are in the class right now?
How MANY students are in the class right now?
____ the teacher from Manizales? No, He _______
IS the teacher from Manizales? No, He IS NOT
__________ it a good trip?
When / be / Birthday?
When is your birthday?
_______ is your grandfather from? He ___ from Mexico.
Where is your grandfather from? He is from Mexico.
____ my class partners from Manizales? No, ___ ________
Are my classpartners from Manizales? No, they are not
What / time / it / ?
What time is it?
_____ color __ the Cow?
The cow is black and white.
Who / your best friend / ?
Who is your best friend?
Asking for information about something, or asking for repetition or confirmation
Asking something about a person or people (subject)
Asking for reason, asking what...for
Is your mother your best friend?
Yes, she is / No, sje is not
Where / she / from / ?
Where is she from?
_________ does my mom do? My mom cleans the house.
_________ does my mom do? My mom cleans the house.
_______ are you relaxing? because I'm tired.
WHY are you relaxing? because I'm tired.
_______ they in a festival? No, they _______.
ARE they in a festival? No, they AREN'T.