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Book 1 Chapter 7

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me, how many windows are there in the living room?
There... in the living room..
Tell me, how many bedrooms are there in the apartment?
There... in the apartment.
Is there an air conditioner in he bedroom?
Yes, there is. There's a...
Is there a closet in the bedroom?
Yes, there is. There's a...
Is there a window in the kitchen?
Yes, there is. There's a...
Is there a stove in the kitchen?
Yes, there is. There's a...
Is there a post office in this neighborhood?
There's a post office on State Street, across from the train station.
Is there a hair salon in this neighborhood?
There's a hair salon on Central Avenue, next to the bakery.
Is there a clinic in this neighborhood?
There's a clinic on Main Street, between the bank and barber shop.
Is there a drug store in this neighborhood?
There's a drugstore on Main Street, across from the church.
Where's the post office?
It's around the corner from the hospital.
Where's the school?
It's between the library and the park.
Where's the supermarket?
It's across from the movie theater.
Where's the restaurant?
It's next to the bank.
What's the word?
Train station
What's the word?
What's the word?
Health club
What's the word?
Book store
What's the word?
Drug store
What's the word?