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Let's Discover Tunisia

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Football is the most popular sport in Tunisia. (TRUE/FALSE?)
TRUE. Even the Tunisia national team participated in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
You can find a desert in Tunisia (TRUE/FALSE?)
TRUE. Grand Erg Oriental dunes is a famous place in Tunisia and it's in the Sahara Desert.
The Capital city of Tunisia is Istanbul. (TRUE/FALSE?)
FALSE. The capital city of Tunisia is Tunis.
Around 2/3 of the country’s land is used for agriculture. (TRUE/FALSE?)
TRUE. Tunisia grows olives, dates, fruit, tomatoes, potatoes, and raises chicken, sheep and cattle for meat.
The Tunisia Flag is red and white in color. (TRUE/FALSE?)
Rice is the staple food in Tunisia (TRUE/FALSE?)
FALSE: Couscous is a staple dish in North African cuisines and is considered a national dish in Tunisia.
Rose is the national flower of Tunisia. (TRUE/FALSE?)
FALSE: The national flower of Tunisia is Jasmine. Many people enjoy Jasmine in their foods including candies and ice creams.
Arabic is the official language of Tunisia.TRUE or FALSE?
TRUE. Arabic is the official language, and most natives speak a dialect of Tunisian Arabic.
Tunisia is a country in Asia. (TRUE/FALSE?)
FALSE. Tunisia is a country in north Africa.