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Indus valley revision

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Imagine you took a trip to Indus valley civilization through a time machine. What kind of transport would you witness?
If I go to Indus valley I would see bullock carts, boats and ships used as a means of transportation.
If you were a farmer, what type of crops would you grow?
If I was a farmer I would grow wheat or cotton crops
If you were a mason what type of bricks would you use to make the walls of the town?
If I was a mason I would build the walls using burnt bricks.
Imagine you are a construction worker and you have to build a granary. Which place would be the best to build it?
If I was a construction worker I would build the granary close to the river banks.
The main features of the cities were ____________ and _____________
town planning and buildings
_______were used by traders to stamp goods.
The seals of the Indus Valley were generally small, flat, rectangular. True/False
______________ is a special bronze statue found in the sites of the Indus Valley.
The Dancing Girl
Children in the Indus Valley used to play with what type of toys?
terracotta toys
Craftsmen of the Indus valley specialised in________________.
plain and painted pottery
Bullock carts, boats and ships were used for____________.
The people of the Indus Valley used____________ system to trade.
Barter system
Cows and buffalos were used for collecting________.
People of the Indus Valley were the first ones to grow_________ in the world.
_________was the staple food.
__________________ was the main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley.
The largest granary has been found at _____________________
Mohenjo Daro.
Why were the granaries built close to the rivers?
All granaries were built close to the river banks so that grains could be easily transported with the help of the boats.
__________________were used to store surplus grains.
The Great Bath was used during religious ceremonies. True/False
It was a rectangular tank ,which resembled a swimming pool.
Great Bath
__________ were built on either side of the roads.
The _____________system of the Harappan cities was the best
The town was encircled by a high wall made of_______________ .
burnt bricks
The raised area of the city was called the____________
Which two cities were unearthed during the Indus valley civilization?
Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro,
________________also called the Harrrapan civilization
Indus Valley Civilization
The Indus Valley Civilization was one the largest civilizations of the ancient world. True/False
How many types of civilization are there?
The Indus valley civilization was named after which river?
Indus river