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Have got / has got

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The boys /  bird ?
Have the boys a bird? No, they haven't .
I / flowers -
I haven't got flowers.
you /  kite ?
Have you got a kite?
Ann /  radio -
Ann hasn't got a radio.
He /  robot -
He hasn't got a robot.
She /  computer -
She hasn't got a computer.
He /  sister +
He has got a sister.
We /  horse -
We haven't got a horse.
Sponge Bob /  book +
Sponge Bob has got a book.
They /  ball ?
Have they got a ball? No, they haven't.
He /  bicycle?
Has he got a bicycle? Yes, he has.
He /  hat -
He hasn't got a hat.
They /  cat. -
They haven't got a cat.
I /  umbrella. -
I haven't got an umbrella.
Mel /  apple. -
Mel hasn't got an apple.
The elephant / ten nuts. +
The elephant has got ten nuts.
We /  dog. +
We have got a dog.
I /  blue jumper. +
I have got a blue jumper.
They / five kites +
They have got five kites.
My mothet /  red car. +
My mother has got a red car.
they / curly hair?
Have they got curly hair? No, they haven't.
she /  moustache?
Has she got a moustache? No, she hasn't.
it / blue eyes ?
Has it got blue eyes? Yes, it has.
he / a beard ?
Has he got a beard? Yes, he has.