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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's he doing? He's _________(brush) his teeth
He's brushing his teeth
What's he doing? He's _________(cook)
He's cooking
What's he doing? He's _________(cook)
He's cooking
What's he doing? He's _________(watch) TV
He's watching TV
What's he doing? He's __________(watch) TV
He's watching TV
What's she ________(do)
She's doing homework
What are they doing? They're _________(wait) for the bus
They're waiting for the bus
What she doing? She's _______(ride) a horse
She's riding a horse
What's she doing? She's ________(ride) a bike
She's riding a bike
What's it doing? It's _________(learn) to skate
It's learning to skateboard
What's he doing? He's _________(sail)
He's sailing
What's she doing? She's _________(look)
She's looking
What's he doing? He's _________(look)
He's looking
What's she doing? She's________(listen)
She's listening
What's it doing? It's __________(drive)
It's driving
What's he doing? _______ (drive)
He's driving
What's she doing? ________(fly)
She's flying
What's it doing? It's ___________ (read)
It's reading
What's she doing? She's ___________(read)
She's reading
What's it doing? It's _________ (fly)
It's flying