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Speakout pre Unit 7 review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I went to a meeting so that...
I went to bed late because....
I called some old friends to....
I wanted to eat out so....
I helped my friend so...
I went to the library last week in order to...
I would like to build/make a film.
I played/was the role of Hamlet.
The criminal spent/passed ten months in prison.
My friend Jack spends/goes most of his time watching TV.
She lost her job after being arrested by/for a crime.
for a crime.
Sometimes businesses can become/develop very successful.
This hero rescued/saved my life!
The doctor cured/cared me
USED TO you / live / different place?
Did you use to live in a different place?
USED TO you / travel to school / public transport?
Did you use to travel to school by public transport?
USED TO you / play any sport?
Did you use to play any sport?
USED TO you / get / ill / often / when / a child?
Did you use to get ill when you were a child?
USED TO you / spend / time / your grandparents?
Did you use to spend time with your grandparents?
USED TO you / eat / fast food?
Did you use to eat fast food?
USED TO you / work / hard / school?
Did you use to work hard at school?
Would you like to go.____ .to your last school for a day?
Are you thinking___ making any changes to your life at the moment? What are they?
Would you ever move______ a different town/city? Why/ Why not?
Would you like to get _ from work/school for a few days? Where would you go?
Would you like to travel ____ the world? Which countries would you like to visit?
What do you dream ____ doing in the future?