Edit Game
4th Quarterly Assessment in ICT

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TRUE OR FALSE | Transition is an effect that you can apply to the text, object, and other elements in your slide.
This zooms in a part of your image in the Microsoft Paint.
Magnifier tool
We can change the thickness of our drawing in the Microsoft Paint by clicking on _________ tool.
What type of Select tool option was used to crop the image shown?
Free-form selection
This tab allows you to review and use editing features on your presentation.
Review tab
This tab allows you to set up your presentation to make it look professional and organized with options such as Use Timings or Play Narrations.
Slide Show Tab
Enumerate the 4 types of animations we can apply to our presentations
Entrance | Exit | Emphasis | Motion Path
This word means to make lively and energetic so as to draw attention or give emphasis to content.
These are effects that you add to a slide to emphasis movement from one slide to the next.
It includes themes that will give your presentation the style that will match and effectively show the purpose of your presentation.
Design tab
It allows you to insert charts, tables, pictures, and other elements that will make your presentation visually attractive.
Insert tab
It has groups that contain the most used commands such as Copy and Paste, fonts, and Quick Styles.
Home tab
It gives you options such as opening a new document, saving and printing.
File tab
A ________ is a single screen or page of a presentation
Options to adjust how you view your slides.
Slide View Options
It plays your slides as a presentation. In this view, the audience sees only the content and not any of the editing tools.
Slide Show
It hides the editing tools to help you read and review your slides.
Reading View
It allows you to reorganize, insert, delete, or copy slides and add transitions and animations.
Slide Sorter
This slide view option gives you your work area.
Normal View
You place all the content that you want your audience to see in this pane.
Slide Pane
These are rectangular spaces that serve as containers of text, tables, charts, and other objects in a slide.
The zone on the left of the Slide Pane.
Slide Navigation Pane
By default, the name of a new PowerPoint presentation is _______________
Includes the name of the presentation
Title Bar
This allows you to select the medium for the shape fill.
TRUE OR FALSE | Color 1 is used with the eraser and for shape fills.
TRUE OR FALSE | Color 2 is used with the pencil and with brushes as well as for shape outline.
This allows you to select the medium for the shape outline.
This picks color from the picture and uses it for drawing.
Color picker
This fills up the whole picture or an enclosed shape with colors.
Fill with color
This draws free-form lines or curves with the selected line width.
It displays the name of the document and the name of the program you are using.
Title Bar
It contains commands that let you create, open, save, and print drawings.
File Tab
This is the white space on the Paint window.
Drawing Area
It contains information about the picture you are working on. It is located at the bottom of the MS Paint window.
Status Bar
This allows you to zoom in or out your whole drawing.
Zoom Control