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Church History 1800-Present

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Karl Marx wrote what book in 1848?
The Communist Manifesto
In the book Animal Farm, the Bolshevik leaders are depicted as pigs.
The Berlin Wall fell in 1989.
The Soviet Union collapsed in 1989.
The Cold War ended in 1989.
Who said: "The direct and voluntary taking of all innocent human life is always gravely immoral?"
Pope John Paul II
The Supreme Court case the legalized abortion was Roe vs. Wade
The Supreme Court legalized what in 1973?
Vatican II began to reform church teachings and practices.
Which pope began presiding over Vatican II?
Pope John XXIII
Pope John Paul II presided over Vatican II.
Which ecumenical council began in 1962?
Vatican II
Communist governments persecuted and murdered people for their religious beliefs.
Communist governments began doing what in 1940?
Persecuting and murdering its citizens
World War II began in 1941.
Who became Chancellor of Germany in 1933?
Adolf Hitler
Who was the first leader of the Soviet Union?
Vladimir Lenin
This country was formed in the year 1917
The Soviet Union
Our Lady of Fatima asked the 3 children to...
Prayer the rosary daily and pray for world peace
Our Lady of Fatima appeared in which country?
Which apparition of Mary appeared to 3 children in 1917?
Our Lady of Fatima
Which world event began in 1914?
World War I
Which Russian political party formed in 1903?
Bolshevik party
The ecumenical council of Vatican I began in...
Who wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848?
Karl Marx