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Climate Change

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is there an increase in disease and infection because of climate change?
There is an increase in ticks and mosquitos that can carry disease
Which age groups are most at risk?
elderly and infants
Name 2 ways that ecosystems are impacted by climate change
animals migrate, coral bleaching, lost habitats.
In what 2 ways is climate change expected to affect water?
increase in demand, decrease in supply
Name three types of extreme weather that are happening more frequently.
Wildfires, floods, droughts, cold waves, heat waves
What areas of the globe are experiencing the highest temperature rise?
North and South Poles
True or False: The average global temperature has gone up 10% in the past 40 years.
False, 1.5 degrees
What does human population have to do with climate change?
Humans use resources that pollute the air and contribute to an increase in global temp.
How do landfills contribute to climate change?
Methane is released and acids soak into the ground, we also use a lot of energy to process waste
How do trees help to reduce carbon dioxide?
Why are methane and nitrous oxide considered more dangerous than carbon dioxide?
They are much stronger gasses
Which greenhouse gas is associated with fertilizer?
Nitrous Oxide
Which greenhouse gas is associated with cows?
Why do we classify sea ice melting as both a cause and effect for climate change?
reflectivity...melting...yadda yadda
Name 2 fossil fuels
coal, oil, natural gas
What is the link between greenhouse gasses and climate change?
The more gasses there are the warmer the temperature.
What are the three main gasses that contribute to climate change?
Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Methane