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YLP10 11-09-20

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What gets bigger the more you take away?
A hole
What is heavier? 1 kilogram of water or 1 kilogram of rice?
They weigh the same. They are both 1 kilogram.
I'm not alive but I will die one day. What am I?
A battery
What has a bottom at the top?
Your legs.
We read an interview with someone this week. What was her job?
A firefighter.
If you were in a ship and you wanted to look outside, what would you look through?
A porthole
What was the name of the boat in this weeks story?
The Mary Celeste
What is this sentences? but / Side / why. / likes / nobody / called / Meng / be / to / Right / Leng / knows
Leng Meng likes to be called Right Side but nobody knows why.
What is this sentence? homework / Wayne / Marady / to / yet. / Teacher / hasn't / his / given
Marady hasn't given his homework to Teacher Wayne yet.
Complete this question using verb 3 + 'yet' - "Have you ___________________ (tidy) _______ bedroom ________?"
Have you tidied your bedroom yet?
What is this? It is part of a ship.
Complete this sentence using verb 3 + 'yet' "I __________________ that movie ______"
I haven't watched that movie yet.
Complete this sentence using 'already' + verb 3 "I've __________________ my homework"
I've already done / finished my homework.
Which country's flag is this?
What is this? It tells sailors about the weather.
Sereyvat had $10. He kept one fifth of it and gave T. Wayne the rest because T. Wayne is very poor and only has one house. How much did he give T. Wayne?
$8. One fifth = ($10 divide by 5) = $2. So he kept $2 and gave T. Wayne ($10-$2)= $8.
How many pieces of the coin is one quarter?
Two.- There are 8 pieces. A quarter of 8 = (8 divide by 4) = 2
If I cut some paper into 4 equal pieces and give two pieces to my friend, how much do I have left? Two quarters or a half?
They are both correct. Two quarters is the same as a half.
Which of these is not a real job - Fruit cleaner / Pet detective / Ostrich babysitter / Elephant dancer / Pet food tester.
Elephant dancer