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Food and Nutrition

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the 2 cooking processes used
Roasting and boiling
Name the 2 cooking processes used
Steaming and boiling
Name the 2 cooking processes used
Boiling and baking
Name the cooking process used
Name the cooking process used
Deep frying
Name the food groups in this meal
Grains and pulses, fruits and vegetables, dairy
Name the food groups in this meal
Name the food groups in this meal
Grains, Dairy
Name the food groups in this meal
Grains, meat
Name the food groups in this meal
Grains, vegetables, dairy
Which food group should you eat the most?
Fruits and vegetables
Calcium helps us
keep our bones and teeth strong
Fibre helps us
digest food
Give 3 examples of oils and spices
Give 3 examples of food that contains protein
Meat gives us this nutrient
Grains and pulses give us these nutrients
Carbs and Fibre
Dairy gives us this nutrient
Fruits and vegetables give us these nutrients
Vitamins and Minerals
Name all the food groups
1. Grains and pulses 2. Fruits and Vegetables 3. Meat 4. Dairy 5. Oils and Spices