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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the writer do with die less common stamps and with the common ones?
He keeps the less common ones inside a small album. The common ones he usually gives away to others or throws them away.
Which does the writer get more of, local stamps or foreign stamps?
He gets more of local stamps than foreign stamps.
Where does he collect the stamps?
He collects stamps from discarded envelopes, his relatives, and his friends.
What kind of stamp collector is the writer?
He is not an avid stamp collector.
How did he collect his fish?
He bought some from the shop and collected some from the rice field near his house.
What is the writer's second hobby?
It is keeping fish.
3. Why does the writer admire his uncle?
Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing with his guitar.
2. Is the writer an accomplished guitarist?
2. No, he is not.
1. What is the writer's first hobby?
1. It is playing the guitar.