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Mean, Median, Mode and Range

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What kinds of math do you need to do to calculate the mean? 
Addition and Division
What kind of math do you need to do to calculate the range?
What is the mean weight in pounds of watermelons on the farm? Here are the weights: 8, 12, 3, 6, 10, 12, 8, 6, 5. 
What is the mode of this data set? 234, 112, 263, 112, 265, 234, 254, 112, 152
What is the median? 112, 96, 100, 104, 94, 90, 108, 98.
The range of ages of the teachers at Templemead is 43. If the oldest teacher is 67, how old is the youngest teacher?
What is the mean of the number of customers who bought cupcakes at the bakery on Saturdays for six weeks? Week 1: 25. Week 2: 20. Week 3: 40. Week 4: 36. Week 5: 32. Week 6: 42. 
What is the range of the prices on headphones at Best Buy if the cheapest pair cost $10 and the most expensive pair cost $350?
What is the mean height of the boys in grade 4? Heights in cm: 110, 98, 100, 94, 110, 96, 104, 98, 99.
What is the mode in this set of baseball scores? Scores: 8, 12, 6, 8,4,12, 7, 8, 10, 12, 8, 6
What is the median mark for this Science class? Marks: 68, 82, 74, 78, 83, 88.
Janelle wants to know her academic average based on her report card marks. Here are her marks: Literacy 75. Math 82. Science 78. Social Studies 67. French 92. What is her academic average?