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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why does Agard mention nursery rhymes such as "de cow who jump over de moon"?
To emphasise how we are taught nonsensical, fictional history rather than real Black history
Who is described as a "see-far woman"?
Nanny de Maroon
What happened when Columbus arrived in Trinidad in 1498?
The inhabitants were enslaved, killed, or died from new diseases
What were the Caribs and Arawaks the original inhabitants of?
In which stanza is the personal pronoun 'I' used for the first time?
The last stanza/10
What does the speaker to do their own identity on the last line?
Carve it
Name one of the things Toussaint Louverture is compared to.
"Bandage up me eye with me own history" is a...
How does Agard use structure to compare historical Black figures with eurocentric ones?
Consecutive rhyme
Which structural technique (which means the line carries on) is littered throughout the poem?
What is the name of the Trinidadian traditional music in which the poem is performed in?
What year was the poem published?
Finish the quote "Dem tell me about 10____ and all dat"
Where did the poet grow up?
What is the name of the poet?
John Agard
What is a motif?
a recurring theme/idea
What motif is repeated throughout the poem?
Which two historical nurses does Agard reference?
Mary Seacole/Florence Nightingale
What does eurocentrism mean?
focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world; implicitly regarding European culture as pre-eminent
What is the name of a technique when a line is repeated like a chorus?
What is the opening line of the poem?
Dem tell me