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I Can Dance Well

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the question looking at the picture and answer for you: "Can you _______?"
Yes, I can/No, I can't.
How can the flamenco dancer dance?
She can dance loudly.
Can the girl sing quietly?
No, she can't sing quietly/No, she can sing loudly.
Make a sentence about the girl using "can" and an adverb.
She can ride a horse well/quickly.
ANSWER IN A FULL SENTENCE: Which can you do more easily, sing or play the guitar?
I can sing (more) easily/I can play the guitar (more) easily.
Can the dog chop vegetables?
No, it can't.
Make a sentence with "can"/"can't", the verb "to sing", and an adverb.
Make a sentence about the person using "can" and an adverb.
The person can run slowly.
Can a cat ride a bike?
No, it can't.
The food that Maya cooks never tastes good. Make a sentence about her using "can"/"can't" and an adverb.
Maya can cook badly/Maya can't cook well.
"Nosotros podemos jugar al ajedrez cuidadosamente." In English -->
We can play chess carefully.
Rewrite this sentence using "can" and an adverb: "They are fast runners."
They can run quickly.
Can you fly like a bird?
No, I can't.
CORRECT THE MISTAKES: "I can write carefuly and easyly."
Carefully, easily
TRUE OR FALSE: Sharks can't swim well.
Make each adjective into an adverb: "Careful, loud, easy"
Carefully, loudly, easily
Make each adjective into an adverb: "Quiet, fast, good"
Quietly, quickly, well
Can you drive a car legally (legalmente)?
No, I can't.
"El niño puede tocar el piano lentamente." In English -->
The boy can play the piano slowly.
Rewrite this sentence using "can" and an adverb: "I am a good dancer."
I can dance well.