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Industrial Revolution

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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sing a song you remember from section 2
Name two ways life improved for the middle class
Bigger homes, better neighborhoods, better suits, hired servants, gained political power
TRUE or FALSE: Men had lots of jobs
TRUE or FALSE: J.P. Morgan created the assembly Line.
What step comes after Prosperity?
What made jobs more simple and required less skill?
TRUE or FALSE: The domestic system was supervised in workers own home
TRUE or FALSE: During the 1500s & 1600s, Europeans began using fencing public lands
What did Jethro Tull invent?
Seed drill & Horse drawn hoe
What factors led to the rise of the middle class
being well educated
What is Vulcanization?
The basis of the modern rubber industry
What source powered the textile mills first?
How did this invention impact life in the United States?
It made the cleaning of cotton more efficient but also increased slavery
What invention helped to improve communication over long distances?
What invention made steam power available for mechanical purposes?
steam engine
Who invented the telegraph?
Samuel F. B. Morse
What inventions helped to improve the area of agriculture? (3)
steel plow, cotton gin, and mechanical reaper, seed drill, Horse drawn hoe
Who were the typical workers in the factories?
women and children
What idea did Eli Whitney develop which allowed for the mass production of identical machine made parts?
interchangeable parts
What impact did the steamboat have?
It made it easier to travel upstream and improved the shipping of goods (more efficient)
What invention helped to make the cleaning of cotton faster and easier? Who invented it?
cotton gin, Eli Whitney
What were some of the effects of increased urbanization in the cities as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
Industrial Revolution