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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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-It is possible you find that medication in the pharmacy. - It __________ (be) available there.
might be
-It's possible the hotel receptionist can recommend a good restaurant. -The receptionist _____________(be able to ) help you.
might be able to
-It is possible the doctor can see you tomorrow. -I ____________(be able to) give you an appointment right away.
might be able to
-My dentist can't fit me in until next month. -The dentist ____________(not / be able to) to see me.
must not be able
-I lost my wallet. I'm sure I left it in my room. - It __________(be) there no one else has entered.
must be
- I made it on time. - I was afraid I _________ (be) late
might be
-They took a long time to choose.finally they got it. -It ________ (have) many options.
must have
-He's a great dad, always dedicating time to his kids. - He ________ be a great dad.
must be
-The doctor had a cancelation earlier. -He ____________ (see) you.
might see
-You haven't eaten anything and it's really late. - You ___________ (be) really hungry.
must be