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Ohio 3.3 Inventors and Industries3.0 (4 reviews)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A government award of the right to make or sell an invention
He started a rubber company making tires. Many rubber companies are in Akron, Ohio is known as the "Rubber Capital of the World".
Benjamin Goodrich
He began the Standard Oil Company in Cleveland. This company controlled most of the oil in the U.S.
John Rockefeller
To make only a few kinds of products.
The amount of a product offered for sale.
The need for a product or service by people who are willing to pay for it.
He developed the process or method of vulcanizing rubber for tires.
Charles Goodyear
He invented the cash register to solve the problem of workers stealing their profits.
James Ritty
He created Play-Doh.
Joseph McVicker
He was called " the wizard of Menlo Park"; best known for inventions such as the phonograph and the light bulb.
Thomas Edison
He developed the process or method of vulcanizing rubber for tires.
Charles Goodyear
He invented the household vacuum cleaner after suffering asthma as a janitor.
(James) Murray Spangler
Two brothers from Dayton, Ohio who successfully made the first flight in their invented plane.
Wright Brothers
He invented the cash register to solve the problem of workers stealing their profits.
James Ritty
He invented the first traffic light to have three signal lights.
Garrett Morgan
He was from Cincinnati, invented the first electric railway telegraph service.
Granville Woods
He invented the first automobile self-starter to replace the crank.
Charles Kettering
A person who comes up with new ideas for products and new ways of doing things.
The movement of people to Ohio cities to work in factories.