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Coastal Region -Part 2

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TRUE OR FALSE : Machalilla National Park is a protected area where you can enjoy watching whales and be part of the tropical dry forest.
TRUE OR FALSE: One example of handicrafts from the Coastal Region is the Panama hat. (Sombrero de paja toquilla)
TRUE OR FALSE: The food from the Coastal Region is based on fish, sea food, and potatoes.
FALSE : fish, sea food, rice, plantain, cassava, and coconut.
The majority of people who are part of this group is concentrated in Guayas, Manabí, El Oro, and Los Ríos. The main tradition of this group is the amorfinos and horse-taming. They are the _________________ .
The majority of people who are part of this group is concentrated in Esmeraldas. Their traditional music is the marimba. They are the _____________________.
In the Coastal region, we can find three indigenous groups:
The Awá, Chachi or Cayapa, and Épera
The capital of Guayas is:
The capital of Santa Elena is:
Santa Elena
The capital of Santo Domingo is:
Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas
The capital of El Oro is:
The capital of Manabí is:
The capital of Esmeraldas is:
The capital of Los Ríos is: