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Everyday heroes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you know about astronauts?
They fly a spaceship and go into space, they have a rocket, they are healthy and brave, they are good at science, they wear a space suit
What do you know about police officers?
They catch criminals, help people in danger, they wear a uniform, work in a police station, save people, drive a police car, they're cool-headed and strong
What do you know about pilots?
They fly a plane, the aren't afraid of height, they wear a uniform, they are healthy
What do you know about firefighters?
they fight and put out fires, work at a fire station, they save people and animals, wear a uniform, they are strong and brave, they drive a fire engine
What do you know about chemists / pharmacist?
they are good at science, sell medicine, wear white clothes, work in a chemist's/drug store/pharmacy
What do you know about journalists?
they speak fast, travel a lot, talk to people a lot, do interviews, read a lot
What do you know about nurses?
they help doctors, work in a hospital, wear a uniform, need an ambulance, do injections
What do you know about teachers?
They work at school, know their subject well, they teach and check the homework, read a lot, they can be evil
What do you know about  actors?
They dress up as different people, play in movies, learn a lot of things by heart, they aren't shy, they work in theatres
What do you know about doctors?
They help sick people, work in a hospital, wear white clothes, need an ambulance, they are smart