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Women Inventors

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Marie Van Brittan Brown invented what safety system?
Home Security System/closed circuit TV
What did Maria Telkes invent that helps generate green energy?
First 100% solar powered house
What was Hedy Lamarr's former career before becoming a famous inventor who's inventions helped win WWII for the allies?
Name one thing that Dr. Shirley Jackson of California invented.
portable fax, the touch-tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic tics,
What kitchen invention of Josephine Garis Cochran in 1914, made Mr. Lowrie's life easier?
What inventions of Maria Beasley made sea travel safer?
life raft
What invention of Melitta Benz improved coffee drinking?
the paper coffee filter
What invention of Jeanne Villepreux-Power helped observe marine life?
the glass aquarium
How did Marie Curie's research on radioactivity affect her personally?
It killed her eventually.
In what decade did Ann Tsukamoto invent human stem cell isolation?
the 1990's
What game did Lizzie Magie invent?
What did Nancy Johnson invent in 1843? She lived to be 94.
ice-cream maker