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TC U5 L4 episode 9

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Jared suggest to make for Mrs Jenkins at the end of the episode?
An origami animal with a message about the cyberbulling
What was the topic of the assignment?
Human interaction in your daily lives.
Does Penelope want to involve any teacher in her problem?
What teacher appeared in the gym?
The social science teacher, Mrs Jenkins.
Who was waiting in the gym?
The whole class was gathered there.
Why did Jessica want to talk to the whole class?
She wanted to confront them about the cyberbullying
How many different books were they looking for?
Who had his first kiss in the library?
What did they find in one of the books?
An origami scorpion with a message
Were were the girls at the begining of the episode?
In the library
What was Penelope doing the night before the events of the episode 9?
She had researched Edgar Allan Poe's books with Dupin