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Polypeptide synthesis

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why does splicing not take place in prokaryotes?
No introns
Which enzyme forms a peptide bond between amino acids?
Peptidyl transferase
What type of codon ends the synthesis of a polypeptide?
Stop codon
What is the difference between an adenine DNA nucleotide and an adenine RNA nucleotide?
RNA has ribose / DNA has deoxyribose
Which enzyme is involved in transcription?
RNA polymerase
Which direction is pre-mRNA made?
5' to 3'
Which direction is the anti-sense strand read?
3` to 5`
Which strand is used as a template for transcription?
Anti-sense strand
Where does splicing take place?
Where does transcription take place?
Where does translation take place?
What is formed in translation?
What is formed in splicing?
What is formed in transcription?
Where are anti codons found?
What is the difference between mRNA and pre-mRNA
Introns, length, transcription/splicing