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The Two Ghosts

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the king do to find out what was causing all the trouble in the village?
He sent a young official named Jeong to the village.
What did Heo suggested Heo, when she told him that Janghwa was having a baby?
Take her to the lake and drown her
What did Heo hide in Janghwa's room?
some of her money and one of her necklace
Jangseo was an ugly, mean and greedy child. (True / False)
What was the name of Bae's son?
Heo was a young, kind and beautiful woman. (True / False)
False: She was fat, ugly, and rude.
What is the name Bae's second wife?
What was Bae and Jang second daughter's name?
Bae and Jang didn't love their first daughter. (True / False)
What did the angel give Jang when she was asleep?
a small red flower