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The Legend of Hong Kil-dong

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The king offered a big reward to anyone who would capture Hong Kil-dong. (True / False)
The king was very pleased by Hong Kil-dong activities. (True / False)
False: The king was not pleased.
Poor people praised Hong Kil-dong because he took wealth from corrupted government officials and gave it to poor people. (True / False)
While eating with the major, Hong Kil-dong pretended that a cockroach came from the food. (True / False)
False: the rock
To be invited to eat with the major, what did Hong Kil-dong pretend to be?
a high-ranking official
Hong Kil-dong agreed to be the men's leader only if they stopped being thieves. (True / False)
The old man taught Hong Kil-dong how to become a famous Youtuber. (True / False)
One night, a voice told him that he would teach him everything he needed to know, so that he can do good in the world. (True / False)
What was Hong Kil-dong's ambition?
To work for the government.
Hong Kil-dong was a lazy and nasty boy. (True / False)
False: He was a very clever and hard-working boy.